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Friday, February 1, 2013

Super Sale for the Big Game!

WARNING:  This blog post is completely self serving, and may end up with a large hole in your wallet.  {I know mine will be a lot lighter after this weekend.}

My Teachers Pay Teachers store is having a SALE!

This Sunday 
{the day of the SUPER big game at which there will be a BOWL of some sort...} 
TpT and a lot of their stores will be throwing a Sunday Super Sale!

I am offering 20% off my items, and TpT is adding an additional 10% off!
{if you do the math, that's 20% off, then 10% of the reduced price, so it's a total of a 28% discount}  The sale will run from Sunday through Tuesday, so this is your chance to stock up on all those items on your wish list!
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