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Thursday, June 20, 2013

...And the Work Continues

For most people summer means sun, sand, and relaxation.  For me, it means catching up on spring cleaning, yard work, and working on school stuff.  

Gardening is hard work, 

 Not that it's all work, work, work.  One of my "projects" this summer is to watch as many of the movies and tv shows in my Netflix instant queue as possible.  Luckily, working on items to put on Teachers Pay Teachers is conducive to watching tv at the same time.  Win!
but it's also rewarding.

I've been spending time updating my pennant letters so they're one letter to a page (By popular request).  That way, you can choose which pages to print and not end up with extra, unneeded letters.
I've also been uploading more and more colors of my circle letters.  (HINT:  They make a great addition to your word building center!)

purple circle letters

light blue and black

I'm planning some games to play during small reading groups and center/workstation times.  With the addition of more and more nonfiction into the reading curriculum, I'm finding that I've been looking for more resources.  Most of the reading resources out there deal with fiction.  What are some areas that your students struggle with that you'd like some games and/or practice materials for?  I'd love to hear some suggestions so I can make items that will actually be used.  Thanks!
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Tech Savvy Summer

Can you imagine 150 teachers in a high school cafeteria tweeting their questions, answers, ideas, and comments during a workshop?  That's what we've been doing this week! 
My friend, Kim, tweeting during our workshop.

 The happy Hounddogs of Halls Elementary school won a technology challenge put forth by our district, and we are one of 11 schools that are working toward integrating more and more technology into our curriculum... hopefully ending with 1:1 tech in each classroom (as of now, elementary classrooms are getting 5 student devices plus a teacher device, not 1:1, but getting there). We've been spending this week working together and learning about constructivist and connectivist educational theories, and learning how to implement them in our classrooms via iPad and Web 2.0 apps.  It's so exciting!   (and a little scary)

Stay tuned as I navigate through using this new shift in teaching philosophies in my classroom {and try to do better in keeping this blog updated!}  
And if you want to follow me on twitter, I've got a professional account @mslmiller123

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