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Friday, April 13, 2012

Ms. Miller, who are you?

     Ah, the great philosophical question... Who am I?  Well, I'm still trying to figure that one out, and I'll let you know when I do (but don't hold your breath that it will be any time soon).  I do know that I've been very blessed with a wonderful family, the best co-workers (and friends) a girl could ask for, and the best canine buddy I could want.

     I joke sometimes that I'm an old lady in a 30-something's body.  I love to crochet and garden, and one of my favorite things to do is curl up on the couch with an afghan, my dog, a cup of hot tea, and a great book.  I also love turtles, and have a growing collection in my classroom.  Let me tell you, once your students learn that you like something, they will bring you "presents" as often as they can.

     I love teaching in general and I love the children I work with, but I also get so much joy from sharing ideas and collaborating with my fellow educators, both at school and online.  I hope that this blog will allow me to share my thoughts and ideas and broaden my teaching horizons by reading your links and comments.

     I have a Teachers Pay Teachers store (, and I urge you to follow it.  As of now, there are only a few items available, but my big plan is to work on stocking it this summer.  I love creating lessons and activities that allow students to think creatively and show what they know without a lot of fuss. 

     I hope you enjoy reading my blog and getting to know me.  Please give me feedback, ask questions, and leave comments so I can get to know you, too! Pin It Now!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds great, Laura. Can't wait to see what comes next.
