So, it's been a while since I've blogged, and I apologize for that. I can only say that it's been one heck of a year so far . . . I've moved to fourth grade and have more students in my class than I ever have before, I'm now in a 1:1 classroom (so I'm learning a new curriculum while I'm learning how to incorporate more tech into our daily routine), I'm tutoring a group of 5th graders once a week, and I'm trying to have time to have a personal life ~ including working as a production assistant on
SofaCouch MovieFilms short movies.
Here are a few highlights:
I love the new laptops we're lucky enough to have, and I think the kids love them even more! |
Taking a quiz online is so exciting! |
The teachers I work with are a fabulous group ~ rolling and sticky noting my room. Truly priceless! |
When your principal says wear a tacky holiday sweater, you wear a Tacky sweater! |
{WARNING: The next picture is not for the faint of heart!}
Working as a production assistant on the "gore effects" on the film set. It's amazing how realistic panty hose, paper towels, and fake blood can be! |
Here's to having fun with what you do, both inside the classroom and out!
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