So, what AM I doing this summer? Besides going to workshops next month, doing DIY projects around the house, and making recipes and crafty things I found on Pinterest, I've been busy relaxing and having fun with Wagner, my dog.
Wagner loves to relax in the air conditioning. |
He also loves to watch the Today Show. Especially when they show animal videos. |
Earlier this week I went with nine of my teacher friends on a white water rafting trip. That's right... White. Water. Rafting. I was leery of it at first, having never done anything like it before, and realizing that I could be seriously injured {or worse}. Once we got to Outdoor Adventure Rafting on the Ocoee River, I started to feel better because they were very professional and took WONDERFUL care of us. We got a safety lesson, our helmets, paddles, and PFDs {NOT a life jacket, it turns out!}, then loaded the bus. Then we went rafting.
We had 5 people on each boat, and went through several class 4 rapids. It was so much fun!
A special thanks to our guides, Taylor and Donnie, who took such great care of us out on the Ocoee River.
We laughed the whole time, even during the scary parts! I would go back and do it again in a heartbeat! We were able to eddy out and go swimming in one of the calmer parts of the river, but the fun part was getting back into the boat. One thing I learned is that it's really hard to swim upstream and pull each other into the boat when you're laughing hysterically.
On another note.....
I'm really excited to reveal my super-secret crochet project I've been playing with. I haven't told ANYONE about it because I wasn't sure I could get the pattern to work out correctly. I was cleaning out a closet a couple of weeks ago and found some skeins of variegated yarn, and I decided to see what I could do with them, and here it is--my new bag! I've never made anything before without using a pattern, and I had to try it a few times {and take it out again} before I got the hang of it. I love the way the spacing of the colors makes a plaid pattern on the sides. It's the perfect size to take to the library with me and use for selecting new books to read {I heart the library!}.
I promise that next week's blog post will be more school-oriented, but I'm having trouble staying focused with all the fun going on!
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